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What if I can’t find my bank?Updated 5 months ago

We understand that not being able to connect all your accounts can be frustrating! 

Here's what you need to know:

Current Availability

Kudos partners with Plaid, a service that supports over 8,000 banks. However, it's important to note that not every financial institution is supported. Sometimes, banks have different names for different types of accounts, such as bank accounts versus credit card accounts, which can affect connectivity. Currently, Kudos only works with U.S. bank and credit card accounts.

Future Improvements

We're actively working to expand our connectivity options. Our team is in the process of integrating additional data aggregators. This expansion will allow you to view more of your financial data in one place, providing a more comprehensive overview of your finances.

Can't Find Your Financial Institution?

If you're unable to connect to your specific financial institution, we encourage you reach out to us. We'll do our best to assist you and explore options to get you connected. Your feedback helps us prioritize which institutions to add support for in the future.

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