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‍What is Kudos Boost?Updated 2 days ago

Kudos Boost is our free rewards program that gives you even more back on your purchases. At over 15,000 participating stores, we share 100% of our merchant commissions with you on top of your regular  card rewards - no extra effort required. Have a card that doesn't earn rewards? We'll still give you our full commision!

How it works: When you check out with Kudos - either on desktop or mobile - you'll automatically earn your card's regular rewards plus our full merchant commission. For example, if your credit card gives you 3% back and we earn a 12% commission from the store, you'll get a total of 15% back on your purchase (3% from your card + 12% from us).

We're able to give you 100% of merchant commissions while keeping Kudos free through two main revenue streams:

  1. Merchant Commissions: When you shop through Kudos, stores pay us a commission. We give 100% of these commissions back to you through Boost, on top of your regular card rewards.
  2. Credit Card Partnerships: When you discover and apply for credit cards using our personalized tools (like Dream Wallet or our Card Explorer tool), card issuers pay us a commission. These partnerships help support our mission to maximize your rewards while keeping Kudos free.

Plus, look out for Flash Boost sales and special events where you can stack even more savings! We recommend you sign up for our Substack, where we post regular updates.

To get started, just make sure you have the latest version of theKudos iOS app (4.7.4+) or browser extension (4.120+).

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