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Unified Wallet Management and Credit Score

Access your credit score for free with Kudos.

How do I get my free credit score?

Kudos is able to provide your credit score through our partner, Spinwheel. This information comes to you from your Equifax credit report and is one of the most reliable methods available. Visit the Accounts page in your Kudos account to verify your p

Does checking my credit score affect my credit?

Because our partner Spinwheel performs only a soft pull of your credit report, it will not affect your credit in any way.

What if my credit score is inaccurate inside Kudos?

Kudos partners with Spinwheel to provide your credit score, which is pulled directly from your Equifax credit report. If you notice your credit score appears incorrect in Kudos, here's what you can do. If you believe there are inaccuracies in your cr

What if froze my credit score?

Kudos uses Spinwheel to perform a soft pull of your credit report to obtain statement balances. The success of this process depends on your credit freeze settings - specifically, whether you have a freeze that blocks all pulls and if that freeze is a