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Get your privacy questions answered right here.

What data does Kudos see and how does it keep my data private?

At Kudos, we treat your personal and financial data like we’d want ours to be treated. Kudos never sells or shares your data with any third parties. We believe your data is just that, yours. To improve Kudos, we use aggregated and anonymized data for

Why does my browser indicate that the Kudos extension can “read and change” all my data?

The "read and change" language you see is provided by your browser for all browser extensions. What Kudos does is much more limited. We read the page when you’re on a supported shopping website so that we can calculate the credit card rewards you’ll

How does Kudos keep my data secure?

We established Kudos with the fundamental principle that your data should always remain secure, private, and accessible solely to you. Kudos has made significant investments in industry-leading security measures to ensure our platform adheres to the